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por beatriz j a, em 21.12.15




... por todos aqueles que em Portugal defendem que a melhor maneira de lidar com imigrantes de culturas muçulmanas que não reconhecem as mulheres como seres humanos é reforçar os seus preconceitos e práticas discriminatórias através da indulgência com essas práticas como por exemplo, separar mulheres e homens na educação ou no médico.


A Noruega, que tem recebido milhares de imigrantes e refugiados muçulmanos e tem sentido problemas com o comportamento dos homens porque, como eles dizem, 'na nossa terra só as prostitutas andam na rua sozinhas, bebem e falam com homens e chegamos aqui e não sabemos controlar-nos quando vemos mulheres de mini-saia', reconhece e fala sobre este problema cultural.


Para o resolver iniciou um programa de integração cultural desses homens. Têm obrigatoriamente que frequentar um curso onde aprendem as regras da cultura onde querem integrar-se, nomeadamente que as mulheres têm os mesmos direitos que os homens e podem fazer o que entenderem como eles, que não é aceitável perseguir uma mulher ou atacá-la por estar na rua ou de saias curtas, que a religião não entra na lei apesar de serem um país cristão e que todos obedecem às leis independentemente da religião que tenham, etc. Estes cursos são obrigatórios e integrados nos curso de língua também obrigatório.


"O silêncio é o maior perigo para todos". Fingir que não existe uma questão cultural e que não é necessário fomentar a integração na cultura europeia é ser cego e abrir as portas a grandes problemas no médio e longo prazo. Quem precisa de refúgio na Europa deve ser recebido mas deve comprometer-se, com práticas, a integrar e respeitar a cultura onde pede asilo. Isso significa reforçar os valores europeus e não o oposto que é separar as mulheres dos homens ou mandá-las taparem-se ou ficar em casa para não ofender os muçulmanos de religião. A ideia é que se integrem na cultura e valores humanistas europeus, independentemente da religião, caso contrário escolham para asilo um desses lugares onde a religião é mais importante que os direitos humanos, se é isso que lhes agrada.


No meio disto tudo é incrível constatar que em pleno século XXI o grande tema das religiões continua a ser a submissão sexual das mulheres à vontade dos machos...


Norway Offers Migrants a Lesson in How to Treat Women


The goal is that participants will “at least know the difference between right and wrong,” said Nina Machibya, the Sandnes center’s manager.


A course manual sets out a simple rule that all asylum seekers need to learn and follow: “To force someone into sex is not permitted in Norway, even when you are married to that person.”


It skirts the issue of religious differences, noting that while Norway has long been largely Christian, it is “not religion that sets the laws” and that, whatever a person’s faith, “the rules and laws nevertheless have to be followed.”


In Denmark, lawmakers are pushing to have such sex education included in mandatory language classes for refugees. The German region of Bavaria, the main entry point to Germany for asylum seekers, is already experimenting with such classes at a shelter for teenage migrants in the town of Passau.


Norway, however, has been leading the way. Its immigration department mandated that such programs be offered nationwide in 2013, and hired a nonprofit foundation, Alternative to Violence, to train refugee center workers in how to organize and conduct classes on sexual and other forms of violence. The government provided funding for two years to pay for interpreters for the classes and is now reviewing the results and whether to extend its support.


When he first arrived in Europe, Abdu Osman Kelifa, a Muslim asylum seeker from the Horn of Africa, was shocked to see women in skimpy clothes drinking alcohol and kissing in public. Back home, he said, only prostitutes do that, and in locally made movies couples “only hug but never kiss.”


Confused, Mr. Kelifa volunteered to take part in a pioneering and, in some quarters, controversial program that seeks to prevent sexual and other violence by helping male immigrants from societies that are largely segregated or in which women show neither flesh nor public affection to adapt to more open European societies.


“The biggest danger for everyone is silence,” said Per Isdal, a clinical psychologist in Stavanger who works with the foundation, which developed the program Mr. Kelifa attended in Sandes.


Many refugees “come from cultures that are not gender equal and where women are the property of men,” Mr. Isdal said. “We have to help them adapt to their new culture.”

The first such program to teach immigrants about local norms and how to avoid misreading social signals was initiated in Stavanger, the center of Norway’s oil industry and a magnet for migrants, after a series of rapes from 2009 to 2011.


Henry Ove Berg, who was Stavanger’s police chief during the spike in rape cases, said he supported providing migrants sex education because “people from some parts of the world have never seen a girl in a miniskirt, only in a burqa.” When they get to Norway, he added, “something happens in their heads.”


“This was a big problem but it was difficult to talk about it,” Ms. Rohde said recently, asserting that there was “a clear statistical connection” between sexual violence and male migrants from countries where “women have no value of their own.” The taboo, she added, has since eased somewhat.


“There are lots of men who haven’t learned that women have value,” said Ms. Rohde, who wants mandatory sexual conduct classes for all new male migrants. “This is the biggest problem, and it is a cultural problem.”


Mr. Kelifa, the African asylum seeker, said he still had a hard time accepting that a wife could accuse her husband of sexual assault. But he added that he had learned how to read previously baffling signals from women who wear short skirts, smile or simply walk alone at night without an escort.


“Men have weaknesses and when they see someone smiling it is difficult to control,” Mr. Kelifa said, explaining that in his own country, Eritrea, “if someone wants a lady he can just take her and he will not be punished,” at least not by the police.


Norway, he said, treats women differently. “They can do any job from prime minister to truck driver and have the right to relax” in bars or on the street without being bothered, he added.


publicado às 03:41




Feroz Crítica de la ONU al Vaticano por no ir a fondo contra los abusos


El Comité para los Derechos del Niño denunció el "código de silencio" usado por la Iglesia para encubrir a los sacerdotes denunciados por pedofilia; pidió sanciones


ROMA.- En un informe sin precedente, el Comité para los Derechos del Niño de Naciones Unidas (ONU) denunció ayer el "código del silencio" que promovió la Iglesia Católica, durante décadas, para encubrir miles de casos de abusos de menores por parte del clero y exigió "remover de inmediato" y entregar a la policía a todos aquellos curas culpables de pedofilia.


  • La ONU sostiene que la Iglesia no reconoció la magnitud de los crímenes cometidos y no tomó las medidas necesarias para proteger a los menores
  • Señala que el Vaticano priorizó mantener la reputación de la Iglesia y la protección de los perpetradores por encima de los intereses de los niños
  • Le atribuye a la Iglesia haber adoptado prácticas y políticas que llevaron a la continuación del abuso y de la impunidad de los perpetradores
  • Exige la remoción de su cargo de quienes hayan cometido o sean sospechosos de haber cometido prácticas de pedofilia
  • Reclama también que se denuncien los casos a la policía y demás autoridades competentes para que los investiguen y procesen en la justicia penal
  • Exhorta a revisar la postura de la Iglesia sobre el aborto cuando están en riesgo la vida y la salud de las mujeres embarazadas
  • Manifiesta "seria preocupación" por las consecuencias negativas de la postura de la Santa Sede sobre el acceso de los adolescentes a la anticoncepción


publicado às 19:07

no cabeçalho, pintura de Paul Béliveau. mail

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