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We are tired of being told what to wear we are fed up with compulsory hijab. We the women of #whitewednesdays movement believe in peaceful civil disobedience but we are tired of morality police, we are tired of being beaten up, being humiliated, being told what to wear, being arrested, being sent to the court. We are fed up by any kind of religious interference in our personal choice.




publicado às 15:07





publicado às 05:31



We want all women to refuse compulsory hijab.

We don't agree with a lot of Marine Le Pen’s positions, but we admire the fact that she stood up against compulsory hijab. We want all women to stand up against compulsion and to fight for their freedom. Today, Marine Le Pen refused to wear a Hijab, which was required of her as a pre-condition to meet Lebanon’s grand Mufti.




publicado às 04:36


por beatriz j a, em 20.02.17



My Stealthy Freedom آزادی یواشکی زنان در ایران This American chess player was attacked by Islamic of Iran just because of boycotting the chess champinship for compulsory hijab.


"I would rather not be a world chess champion than wear compulsory hijab", Said Nazi Paikidze, the American chess champion, in a short interview with Masih Alinejad, the founder of My Stealthy Freedom.


Female chess players forced to wear hijab as governing body awards world championship to Iran, However Paikidze-Barnes said: 
"When I learned about the situation in Iran, that to this day, women are forced to wear hijab, I was heartbroken. I think most people don’t realize how severely restricted women’s rights are in Iran in general. Some consider a hijab part of culture. But, I know that a lot of Iranian women are bravely protesting this forced law daily and risking a lot by doing so. That’s why I will NOT wear a hijab and support women’s oppression. Even if it means missing one of the most important competitions of my career."


Islamic Republic boycotts its own chess player for not wearing hijab
The Head of the Iranian Chess Federation has made the following announcement: “The Iranian Chess Federation will henceforth suspend Borna Darakhshani and Dorsa Darakhshani from any upcoming tournaments.” As reasons, the Federation noted that Borna, 15, had played with an Israeli rival—Iran does not officially recognise Israel—whereas Dorsa, 18, had partaken in an international chess tournament held abroad without wearing a hijab. The president also vowed to retaliate against these two siblings in the “severest way possible”.



publicado às 05:15






From My Stealthy Freedom group: "Dear Italy, you covered up some of your highly celebrated artwork in order to respect the values of the Islamic Republic, but the problem is, the Islamic Republic of Iran does not respect our own values or our freedom of choice, and that is why they force us to cover ourselves up. Not only us, the women of Iran, are forced to censor ourselves. If you are a non-Muslim woman or a non-Iranian visiting Iran, you still have to cover yourself up by wearing hijab, otherwise you will be deported from Iran to your own country. Moreover, if you are a 7-year-old girl, choosing not to wear the obligatory veil, then you won't have any education in your own country. So your decision encourages our leaders to keep on forcing Iranian women to cover up back home.


publicado às 06:23




My Stealthy Freedom آزادی یواشکی زنان در ایران
This is Iran. Kissing on the cheeks should NOT be a crime!

Iranian poets Fatemeh Ekhtesari and Mehdi Musavi have been sentenced to 19.5 years in prison and 99 lashes for "kissing on the cheeks and a shaking hands as unrelated members of the opposite sex. How the can a system punish people for doing noting wrong? Isn't that shameful?




publicado às 18:26




"In This Dead End"

by Ahmad Shamloo


"They sniff your mouth
lest you've said 'I love you!'
they sniff your heart.
These are strange times, darling...


And they whip Love
on the barricades.
We must hide Love in the back room of the house.


They keep the fire burning
in this crooked dead-end of the cold
with fuel of songs and poems.


Don't endanger yourself by thinking.
These are strange times, darling...


Whoever pounds on the door at night
has come to kill the light.
We must hide Light in the back room of the house.


They are the butchers
standing at the crossroads
with logs and bloody cleavers.
These are strange times, darling...


And they excise the smile from the lips
and the song
from the mouth.
We must hide Joy in the back room of the house.


The canary roasting
over a fire of lilies and jasmine.
These are strange times, darling...




این هم سهم ماست از آزادی

دهانت را می بویند مبادا گفته باشی دوستت دارم 
دلت را می پویند مبادا شعله ای در آن نهان باشد

روزگار غریبی است نازنین

و عشق را کنار تیرک راهوند تازیانه می زنند
عشق را در پستوی خانه نهان باید کرد
شوق را در پستوی خانه نهان باید کرد

روزگار غریبی است نازنین

و در این بن بست کج و پیچ سرما 
آتش را به سوخت بار سرود و شعر فروزان می دارند
به اندیشیدن خطر مکن
روزگار غریبی است نازنین
آنکه بر در می کوبد شباهنگام
به کشتن چراغ آمده است
نور را در پستوی خانه نهان باید کرد
دهانت را می بویند مبادا گفته باشی دوستت دارم 
دلت را می پویند مبادا شعله ای در آن نهان باشد

روزگار غریبی است نازنین

نور را در پستوی خانه نهان باید کرد
عشق را در پستوی خانه نهان باید کرد
آنک قصابانند بر گذرگاهان مستقر با کُنده و ساطوری خون آلود
و تبسم را بر لبها جراحی می کنند
و ترانه را بر دهان
کباب قناری بر آتش سوسن و یاس
شوق را در پستوی خانه نهان باید کرد
ابلیس پیروز مست سور عزای ما را بر سفره نشسته است
خدای را در پستوی خانه نهان باید کرد
خدای را در پستوی خانه نهان باید کرد





publicado às 12:48




"Islamic Republic" of Iran; where a compassionate touch is a sin and the act of sympathizing is a crime. I would like my motherland back. In fact, we will take it back, it may not be tomorrow or next year, but it will happen.
عکس ها جدید نیست، برای صفحه ارسال شد تا گفته شود چند دهه این اتفاق را در ایران زندگی کردیم ولی بلاخره کشورمان را آزادی مان را پس می گیریم.

publicado às 14:02





I saw an impressive post from a photographer woman who had told about the challenges of her business and the lack of freedom in her occupation. In my opinion, it would be better all of us talking loudly about the lack of freedom regarding our business and occupation.

I am a graphist , and I do photography as well. It has happened to me few times that I confronted with police and basij while I did take a photo or design a scene. I do recall that a few years ago I was taking photos of an ancient Judaic cemetery, it happened they were about to catch my camera..I wouldn't be allowed to enter many places either only because I am a woman....worse than all above, I was and am not allowed never to represent my ideas and thoughts, and I invariably have to censor myself.
I no longer have freedom to choose my cloths, my thoughts and ideas for my job, to express my beliefs, to choose the sport field I am interested in it at the school or university, to have friendship with my opposite sex and unlike religious friends, and many of those simple rights, 

En français / In French:

J'ai lu un article remarquable d'une photographe qui parlait des défis qu'elle doit affronter dans l'exercice de sa profession et du manque de liberté entourant son travail. A mon avis, il vaudrait mieux que nous parlions toutes du manque de liberté dans notre travail et nos affaires.

Je suis graphiste et je fais de la photographie aussi. Il m'est quelques fois arrivé d'être confrontée à la police et aux basij pendant que je prenais des photos ou concevais une situation. 
Je me souviens qu'il y a quelques années, en prenant des photos d'un ancien cimetière juif, il ont été à un cheveu de me confisquer mon appareil photo... 
Je peux être aussi interdite d'entrer dans beaucoup d'endroits juste parce que je suis une femme ... 
pire que ce qui précède, je n'ai pas pu et je ne suis toujours pas autorisée à représenter mes idées et mes pensées et je dois constamment m'auto-censurer. 
Je n'ai plus la liberté de choisir mes vêtements, mes pensées et mes idées dans mon travail, d'exprimer mes convictions, de choisir, à l'école ou à l'université, les sports qui m'intéressent, de lier des liens d'amitié avec des gens du sexe opposé et ceci contrairement à mes amies religieuses, plus bien d'autres de ces droits élémentaires ....


پست زيبايي ديدم در این صفحه ، بانويي عكاس كه از دغدغه هاي حرفه اش و نبود آزادي گفته بود ، به نظرم خوبه كه همه ما باتوجه به شغل و حرفه ايي كه داريم آزادي هاي نداشته رو اينجا فرياد بزنيم 
من گرافيست هستم و كار عكاسي هم انجام ميدم براي من هم بارها پيش اومده كه موقع عكاسي و يا حتا طراحي از يك منظره با بسيج و پليس برخورد كردم ... يادم مياد چندسال پيش هم وقتي از گورستان قديمي يهودي ها عكس ميگرفتم نزديك ب...





publicado às 14:17

no cabeçalho, pintura de Paul Béliveau. mail

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