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Desfazendo estereótipos

por beatriz j a, em 17.01.18


Os estereótipos consolidam-se entre os 5 e os 7 anos.


publicado às 15:10

As quotas já existem

por beatriz j a, em 25.09.16


How Doctors Take Women's Pain Less Seriously

In her essay, Jamison refers back to “The Girl Who Cried Pain,” a study identifying ways gender bias tends to play out in clinical pain management. Women are  “more likely to be treated less aggressively in their initial encounters with the health-care system until they ‘prove that they are as sick as male patients,’” the study concludes—a phenomenon referred to in the medical community as “Yentl Syndrome.”


Nationwide, men wait an average of 49 minutes before receiving an analgesic for acute abdominal pain. Women wait an average of 65 minutes for the same thing. (from 2015)


... e desde há milénios beneficiam metade dos habitantes do planeta silenciosamente. Calculo que isto que se lê neste artigo tenha que ver com os estereótipos que dizem que todas as mulheres choram por qualquer coisinha, são histéricas e gritam por tudo tal... muitos homens gostam de acreditar nisso porque é uma maneira de diminuir os outros o que automaticamente os faz sentir maiores...



publicado às 07:05

Combantendo estereótipos

por beatriz j a, em 28.07.14




publicado às 17:05

Blogs por aí - combatendo estereótipos

por beatriz j a, em 28.06.14




do blogue ma-schamba




publicado às 09:36

Brincando com estereótipos... via FB

por beatriz j a, em 27.06.12




It's not difficult to make a woman happy.

A man only needs to be:


1. a friend


2. a companion


3. a lover


4. a brother


5. a father


6. a master


7. a chef


8. an electrician


9. a carpenter


10. a plumber


11. a mechanic


12. a decorator


13. a stylist


14. a sexologist


15. a gynecologist


16. a psychologist


17. a pest exterminator


18. a psychiatrist


19. a healer


20. a good listener


21. an organizer


22. a good father


23. very clean


24. sympathetic


25. athletic


26. warm


27. attentiv


28. gallant


29. intelligent


30. funny


31. creative


32. tender


33. strong


34. understanding


35. tolerant


36. prudent


37. ambitious


38. capable


39. courageous


40. determined


41. true


42. dependable


43. passionate


44. compassionate





45. give her compliments regularly


46. love shopping


47. be honest


48. be very rich


49. not stress her out


50. not look at other girls





51. give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself


52. give her lots of time, especially time for herself


53. give her lots of space, never worrying where she goes





54. never to forget:


* birthdays


* anniversaries


* arrangements she makes





1. show up naked


2. bring alcohol



publicado às 11:26

no cabeçalho, pintura de Paul Béliveau. mail

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