Toledo ya se había negado en dos ocasiones a acudir a declarar. "Considero que no he cometido ningún delito y, por lo tanto, no hay ninguna necesidad de que comparezca para declarar sobre mis sentimientos religiosos, mi ideología, mi manera de pensar, mi sexualidad... La Constitución me ampara", dijo en una rueda de prensa celebrada el pasado mayo.
Students at Spanish college fight ban on men using washing machines
Despite repeated calls for more than three years for a change in the rules, the code of conduct at the Duque de Ahumada de la Guardia Civil residence continues to specify that "use of the washing machines by male residents will result in expulsion, ranging from 15 days to three months, from the residence".
Male students at the dorm, which caters for the children and grandchildren of Guardia Civil officers, are instead instructed to quietly pass their clothes to female friends to be washed.