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Tipo de decoração dos anos 60.

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publicado às 09:27

Música pela manhã - The Beatles em HD

por beatriz j a, em 19.12.15




Há um novo canal (HD Beatles VEVO channel). Com clips do  spiffy-looking new 1+ Blu-ray box , o canal tem estado a carregar vídeos das músicas dos Beatles em HD. 

Abaixo está a famosa actuação de “Hey Jude" transmitida no programa de variedades Frost, na Grã-Bretanha, a 8 de Setembro de 1968 e no programa The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, um mês depois, nos EUA. (via Dangerous Minds)

As pessoas, o som e o ambiente tão daquela época cheia de entusiasmo, ideiais e esperança no fututro.





Aqui, Don't Let Me Down, gravado no famoso concerto no topo do edifício da Apple (a editora discográfica), a 30 Janeiro de 1969, última vez que tocaram juntos, ao vivo (o concerto durou 45 minutos e causou tanta confusão de trânsito que a polícia apareceu com ameaças de prisão, o que fez Paul McCartney incorporar umas pidadas improvisadas na letra de Get Back que estavam a tocar no momento) - no piano, Billy Preston.


 Paul McCartney em versão sexy a fazer Presley moves :))



publicado às 09:19


publicado às 23:47





publicado às 19:04




Durante muito tempo fui um bocado obsecada pelos Moody Blues. Sabia as músicas de cor e ouvia-as horas a fio. Eram uma banda muito à frente do seu tempo na música que faziam. Para além disso, muitas das músicas/letras são de pendor filosófico. Continuo a gostar delas. Trazem-me imensas recordações, sobretudo dos Verões.







 Isn't life strange
A turn of the page
Can read like before
Can we ask for more?
Each day passes by
How hard man will try?
The sea will not wait
You know it makes me want to cry, cry, cry -

Wished I could be in your heart
To be one with your love
Wished I could be in your eyes
Looking back there you were, and here we are.

Isn't love strange
A word we arrange
With no thought or care
Maker of despair
Each breath that we breathe
With love we must weave
To make us as one
You know it makes me want to cry, cry, cry -

Wished I could be in your heart
To be one with your love
Wished I could be in your eyes
Looking back there you were, and here we are.

Isn't life strange
A turn of the page
A book without light
Unless with love we write;
To throw it away
To lose just a day
The quicksand of time
You know it makes me want to cry, cry, cry -

Wished I could be in your heart
To be one with your love
Wished I could be in your eyes
Looking back there you were


publicado às 19:14

portugal nos anos 60

por beatriz j a, em 13.02.11




(roubado do blog Farpas) - bestial





publicado às 11:50






publicado às 14:43

REO Speedwagon Can't fight this feeling

por beatriz j a, em 09.02.11






publicado às 20:05

Soyez réalistes demandez l'impossible!

por beatriz j a, em 05.02.11





alguns slogans e graffitis dos anos 60, em França

  • All power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  • We want structures that serve people, not people serving structures.
  • Those who lack imagination cannot imagine what is lacking.
  • A cop sleeps inside each one of us. We must kill him. Drive the cop out of your head.
  • We don’t want to be the watchdogs or servants of capitalism.
  • The future will only contain what we put into it now.
  • The more you consume, the less you live. Commodities are the opium of the people.
  • This concerns everyone.
  • L'imagination prend le pouvoir! (Imagination takes power!)
  • Soyez réalistes, demandez l'impossible. (Be realistic, ask the impossible.)[8]
  • Prenez vos désirs pour la réalité. (Take your desires for reality.)
  • On achète ton bonheur. Vole-le. (They are buying your happiness. Steal it.)
  • Presse: ne pas avaler. (On a poster with a bottle of poison labelled: "Press: Do not swallow.")
  • L'été sera chaud! (Summer will be hot!)
  • On ne revendiquera rien, on ne demandera rien. On prendra, on occupera. (We will beg for nothing. We will ask for nothing. We will take, we will occupy.)
  • Travailleur : tu as 25 ans mais ton syndicat est de l'autre siècle. (Worker: You are 25, but your union is from another century.)
  • Nous ne voulons pas d'un monde où la certitude de ne pas mourir de faim s'échange contre le risque de mourir d'ennui. (We don't want a world where the guarantee of not dying of starvation brings the risk of dying of boredom.)
  • In a society that has abolished every kind of adventure the only adventure that remains is to abolish the society.
  • Ceux qui font les révolutions à moitié ne font que se creuser un tombeau. (Those who make revolutions half way only dig their own graves.)
  • Run, comrade, the old world is behind you!
  • Sous les pavés, la plage. (Under the paving stones, the beach.)
  • Vivre sans temps mort et jouir sans entrave. (Live without wasted time and enjoy without hindrance.)
  • La barricade ferme la rue mais ouvre la voie. (Barricades close the street but open the way.)
  • Warning: ambitious careerists may now be disguised as “progressives.”


publicado às 13:44

no cabeçalho, pintura de Paul Béliveau. mail

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