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no cabeçalho, pintura de Paul Béliveau
Pope Francis has chided couples who choose not to have children, saying the decision is a “selfish” act. The statement, made in his general audience in St Peter’s Square...
“A society with a greedy generation, that doesn’t want to surround itself with children, that considers them above all worrisome, a weight, a risk, is a depressed society,” the pope said. “The choice to not have children is selfish. Life rejuvenates and acquires energy when it multiplies: It is enriched, not impoverished.”
Isto dito por alguém que escolheu uma carreira que assenta no pilar de rejeitar as mulheres, o sexo e a procriação e pertence a um clube onde a regra é essa, é completamente ridículo se não fosse ofensivo.
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