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por beatriz j a, em 16.02.11




Friendship: A sailboat difficult to board, easy to fall off, but a lifesaver over turbulent seas. (p. solanki)


A friend is someone who can't be de-friended, but regularly ought to be re-friended. (mark l.)


It's the ones you can call up at 4:00 a.m. that really matter. ( Marlene Dietrich)


A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. (Bernard Meltzer)


A friendship is something greater than the sum of its parts. (will fulton)


Friendship is a friend who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. (stan lake)


A friend will help you move.
A best friend will help you move a body. (Jim Hayes)


Friendship is God's apology for family.(Christopher Hitchens)


No matter how dull your life is, a friend will always find it interesting.(mark l.)


Friendship is a gift people give each other (joan)


Friends don't let friends sing karaoke. (Bill Dortch)


Friendship is an affirmation of love and respect. (charles hansen)


It's kindred souls connected, threads intertwined. The Moirae didn't connect the: Destiny is ours. The choice is made in our hearts and minds.(MaddyP)


Friend is NOT a verb and cannot be transacted on Facebook. It is most definitely a noun and is much better interacting with in person.(Amy Ahlert)


A friendship is unconditional giving as much as taking not only when needed, but often when not.(mags)


A friend is a conversation on a sphere unreached by time's decay.(kaonashi)


You know someone's a friend when you can hang out together comfortably in silence, and being with them is as relaxed as solitude.(anónimo)


A true friend will risk it all to truthfully share their experience of you, calling you out, with love, regardless of how it sounds. Sell-outs need not apply.(jacques lubliner)


Friendship is intangible. It is something that you must have, and although it is not something you are born into, it feels predestined when you find the perfect friend.(mbp)


Do you have a friend? Be very careful. Don't loose him! (anónimo)


(Schott's Vocab)

publicado às 05:20

no cabeçalho, pintura de Paul Béliveau. mail

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