por beatriz j a, em 01.09.12
Middle-class income and wealth fell in last 10 years, survey show
Middle-class wealth has declined sharply as housing values have fallen (Pew Research Center / August 22, 2012)
By Walter Hamilton
“Since 2000, the middle class has shrunk in size, fallen backward in income and wealth, and shed some — but by no means all — of its characteristic faith in the future,” the report states.
The survey, “The Lost Decade of the Middle Class,” defines a middle-income household as a family of three earning $39,418 to $118,255.
The report reiterates what has become a common theme among demographers and economists: The financial status and outlook for the middle and lower classes has weakened while the fortunes of the wealthy have significantly brightened.
Cá não deve ser muito diferente. Entre o desemprego, a desvalorização das casas e a subida do custo de vida a classe média está a encolher e a riqueza do país está nas mãos de uns poucos. E a tendência é para piorar.